What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a healing art which has been practised for over a century using only the skills of our hands as the tools for treatment. Chiropractic is the third largest branch of healthcare in the western world behind medicine and dentistry.

Chiropractors are neuromuscular-skeletal specialists and as such, assess, diagnose and treat conditions of the joints, muscles and nervous system. The majority of conditions are the result of mechanical stresses applied to the body through normal activities of daily living, poor posture and progressive wear and tear as the body naturally ages.

Our treatment consists of a wide variety of manipulative techniques designed to improve function and range of motion of the joints to relieve pain and muscle spasm.

Our Techniques

All our chiropractors tailor their treatments to patient’s individual requirements with respect to: the condition, age, size, additional medical disorders, and personal preferences.  No two people are the same, therefore we rely on multiple treatment techniques to provide the most suitable care for our patient’s needs.

Techniques we frequently used are:

What to Expect

First Visit

For your first visit, we request that you arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment time in order complete our new patient documents. We will require contact details and information on your medical history (including any medication you are currently taking). The appointment will last approximately 1 hour during this we will cover:

Subsequent Visits

During your report of findings, it will be explained to you how some patients will require more than one visit due to the severity or chronicity of the complaint. At Evolution Health, it is always our aim to ‘get you better’ as quickly as possible. We are continuously monitoring your progression and adjust your treatments and the frequency as needed.


During your appointments, we will require access to your spine and extremities therefore we will provide you with suitable clothing. Men are provided with shorts to wear while women are asked to undress down to their underwear and provided with a suitable clinic gown with fastenings at the back. Dressing gowns are also provided for your comfort and warmth. Should you have any concerns about the required clinic attire then please don’t hesitate to contact us prior to booking.

Professional Registrations/Membership

We are proud to be Registered Chiropractors

Chiropractors in the UK are required to adhere to a strict Code of Practice set by the General Chiropractic Council (GCC), in exactly the same way as other health professions, such as dentists. To register with the GCC Chiropractors in the UK must meet and maintain high standards of education and practice, to best look after their patients.

General Chiropractic Coucil Registered

We are proud to be British Chiropractic Association Members

The British Chiropractic Association is our professional body, which has a long history of advancing the chiropractic profession in the UK. The BCA helps members to place patients at the centre of their decision making by providing specialised support, access to evidence-based resources and high-quality patient information. You can find all BCA members on their website.

Member of the British Chiropractic Association